Are you ready to master your money

so you can thrive and change the world through your coaching?

Are you ready to master your money

so you can thrive and change the world through your coaching?

is this you…

Does the idea of leaving your job and going full time in your coaching business ever feel impossible?


Do you feel stressed out when it comes to money?


Do you ever feel like you never have enough?


Do you find yourself saying no to the things you want because you can’t afford it?


Do you feel like you have no control over your life because money is holding you back?

What if…

What if you knew when you could leave your full time job and be fully supported by your business?

What if checking your bank account was no longer stressful, but instead got to be fun and exciting?

What if you had an easy, step by step approach for managing money that helped you feel in control of your life?

What if you knew exactly how much money you had available and could choose where you want to spend it?

What if money no longer held you back from doing what you want to do, but instead empowered you to live the life you want to live?

empowered abundance

is a program designed to help you do just that.

Clients who have gone through the empowered abundance program have…


Released fear and stress around managing their money and discovered that money management can be fun!


Built custom financial blueprints that make money management easy and eliminates the guilt and stress around spending.


Released scarcity and limiting beliefs and discovered that they have more than they expected.


Been able to crush their credit card debt faster than they could have imagined.


Created a plan for leaving their jobs and stepping into their coaching business full time.

they have been able to manifest their dreams like…


Buying a dream farm house with lots of land, a barn, and space to build a family.


Traveling to beautiful places like Costa Rica, Arizona, and Hawaii to attend transformational retreats.


Committing to building a business where they get to follow their heart, do what they love, and help others heal and live their best lives.

These clients have tapped into the energy of abundance and were able to start living the life they really want to live.

I’m Scarlett

Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of money. We couldn’t afford extra and I always felt less than everyone else.

I vowed I would be successful. I promised myself I would make enough money that I would finally get to live the life I want to live.

That’s why I got a Bachelors degree in Business Management, Accounting, and Finance. That’s also why I became a burnt out, stressed out workaholic.

But then I decided I wanted more. I wanted to stop working so hard for someone else and pursue my dream of becoming a coach.

That’s when I learned how to harness the power of money so I could transition out of my full time job and pursue my dreams.

By combining my Financial background with my Coaching, I now get to help other coaches make the same transition and live their best lives.

I’m Scarlett

Growing up, my family didn’t have a lot of money. We couldn’t afford extra and I always felt less than everyone else.

I vowed I would be successful. I promised myself I would make enough money that I would finally get to live the life I want to live.

That’s why I got a batchlors degree in Business Management, Accounting, and Finance. That’s also why I became a burnt out, stressed out workaholic.

But then I decided I wanted more. I wanted to stop working so hard for someone else and pursue my dream of becoming a coach.

That’s when I learned how to harness the power of money so I could transition out of my full time job and pursue my dreams.

By combining my Financial background with my Coaching, I now get to help other coaches make the same transition and live their best lives.

in the empowered abundance online course you will learn about…



Begin the steps of building your financial blueprint. Get clear on exactly how much money you have and where it is going. Learn the concepts of how to spend and save your money intentionally.



Expand your financial blueprint to get a view of the entire year. See the big picture of what is currently happening with your money and how your money will look over the next 12 months.



Discover the steps for creating and achieving your financial goals. Learn what your priorities are, and the steps you can take to start achieving them.



Learn how to use and maintain your financial blueprint in your day to day life. Keep up with your money in a way that is easy.



Eliminate your credit card debt! Learn the secrets for overcoming your debt and use your credit cards strategically to make you money.



Dive deep into money management for your business. Learn how to create a business blueprint, link it to your personal account so you get paid, easily track business revenue, and use your blueprint to make important business decisions.

how it works:

Empowered Abundance is a 6 month, hybrid program that helps you take back control of your money and empower you to live the life you want to live.

What you’ll get:

Live Coaching Calls to support you in transforming your money mindset


Lifetime access to the Empowered Abundance Digital Course (modules listed above) where you will learn the steps and skills for effectively managing your money now and in the long term


A personalized Financial Blueprint built on Google Sheets to allow you to eaily manage your money


And so much more!

What clients are saying:

Scarlett has been an angel in my finance journey. She has helped me create the mindset and the tools to keep me moving towards a goal of being financially confident. Thanks to her I am now facing the shadow side of my money relationships and each day I am making major improvements I can actually tell you where my money is moving and that is something I never did before working together. Thank you Scarlett for helping me find Money Freedom!

Bianca C.

what’s the investment?

This is a high ticket offer that includes the complete online course, a customizable financial blueprint, 6 months of coaching, and a transformation in your relationship with money.

Before making a decision based purely on the price of this program, ask yourself what it is worth…


To no longer feel stressed about money. 

To finally feel like you have enough.

To know you are in control of your life. 

To finally feel supported in your business.

And to thrive in your life.


Before discovering the price of this program, ask yourself how important these things are to you and how much that price is worth. 

Frequently asked questions:

What impact does taking care of my money have on other areas of my life?

Your Financial Blueprint is about more than just your money. It’s a reflection of your life on paper. Your financial goals are your life goals. I’ve worked with clients who  have wanted to be healthier. As a result, they saved money by eating out less and cooking at home. Overall, having a good relationship with money helps you achieve your goals and can improve all areas of life.

How do I know if now is the right time to do this work?

Do you feel like you’ve been running on a treadmil trying to get more money, but you you can’t seem to get there?If this is you, then more money is not the answer. Instead address your money directly to finally feel like you have enough.

Imagine it’s three months from now and you haven’t done this work on your money. What impact is that having on your life? What would your life look like if you continued on this same path? Now imagine that it’s three months later and you HAVE done this work with your money? How would that accelerate and improve the rest of your life?

What if I can't afford this program?

Here’s a question for you: What is the “I can’t afford it” based on? Is it based on the tangible numbers of your finances? Or is it based on seeing the price of this program?

Often before we’ve done the work of Money Managment, it’s easy to believe that we can’t afford the things we really want or need. In fact, this program will help you to easily determine what you can and can’t afford right now.

If you want to join this program but money is a concern then ask yourself what needs to happen in order for you to say yes? How much money do you need to put asside for it? And how are you going to make that happen?

If the answers to these questions seem challenging to answer then going through this program will likely save you money in the long run.

What is the Fulfillment policy?


By the end of 6 months, you will have a 12 month Abundance Blueprint mapping out how to fully support yourself and achieve your financial goals.

If you aren’t fully confident in your ability to execute the plan, we will continue to work together until you are (for up to 90 days) or receive a partial refund of up to 80% as determined by Scarlett Stanhope.

In order to take advantage of this guarantee, client must show up to 100% of coaching calls.

Client must execute 100% of action tasks outlined.

Client must submit 100% of the weekly assignment forms within 48 hours of our next coaching session.

In other words, the program works if you do!

Refund Policy:

In order to take advantage of the refund you must fully complete all client success submissions.

Termination & Cancelation:

This Agreement will automatically terminate when both Parties have performed all their obligation under the Agreement and all payments have been made.

Should there be a desire to terminate the agreement before the completion of the project, the Client will notify the Company 60 calendar days in advance, and pay for all the services already completed, resources utilized, and for hours already worked as determined by the company.


Because this is a service provided, there are no permitted returns.

Hey coach,

I know that the Empowered Abundance program is the perfect next step for you. I have whitnessed this program empower coaches to live their best lives and grow their business. Once you go through this program, you will open the door to freedom and abundance. I’m so excited to start this journey with you.

Hey coach,

I know that the Empowered Abundance program is the perfect next step for you. I have whitnessed this program empower coaches to live their best lives and grow their business. Once you go through this program, you will open the door to freedom and abundance. I’m so excited to start this journey with you.